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Pei Civil Service Collective Agreement

Published on 7 października, 2021

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The Pei Civil Service Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

The collective agreement between the PEI Civil Service and the Prince Edward Island Government is an essential document that outlines the rights, benefits, and working conditions of civil servants in the province. The agreement, negotiated between the government and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), is a legally binding contract that governs the relationship between the PEI Civil Service and its workers.

What is the PEI Civil Service?

The PEI Civil Service is a government agency responsible for providing various services to the citizens of Prince Edward Island. The PEI Civil Service employs a diverse workforce of professionals, including administrative staff, engineers, human resources specialists, social workers, and healthcare professionals.

What is a collective agreement?

A collective agreement is a legally binding contract between an employer and its employees, represented by a union. The agreement spells out the terms and conditions of employment, including pay, benefits, working hours, and job security. Collective agreements are essential for protecting the rights of employees and ensuring fair treatment in the workplace.

What does the PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement include?

The PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement covers a wide range of topics, including:

1. Pay and benefits: The agreement outlines the salary scales for employees and the benefits they are entitled to, such as health and dental coverage, paid vacation time, and sick leave.

2. Hours of work: The agreement specifies the standard hours of work for employees and the rules governing overtime pay.

3. Job security: The agreement outlines the procedures for layoffs and severance pay, as well as the process for resolving disputes between management and employees.

4. Training and development: The agreement outlines the opportunities for professional development and training available to employees.

5. Workplace safety: The agreement lays out the responsibilities of both management and employees for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.

Why is the PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement important?

The PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement is important because it ensures that civil servants in Prince Edward Island are treated fairly and have access to the benefits and protections they need to do their jobs effectively. The agreement also provides a framework for resolving disputes between management and employees, which helps to maintain a positive and productive work environment.

In addition, the agreement helps to attract and retain talented professionals in the PEI Civil Service, which is essential for maintaining the quality of services provided to the public. By offering competitive salaries, benefits, and working conditions, the PEI Civil Service can attract the best and brightest workers in their field.

How can the PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement be accessed?

The PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement is available online and can be accessed through the PSAC website. Employees of the PEI Civil Service can also contact their union representative for more information about the agreement and their rights and responsibilities as civil servants.


In summary, the PEI Civil Service Collective Agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for civil servants in Prince Edward Island. By providing fair pay, benefits, and working conditions, the agreement helps to attract and retain talented professionals in the PEI Civil Service and ensures that the needs of the public are met effectively. Civil servants can access the agreement online or through their union representative for more information about their rights and responsibilities.

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